Employees leave companies for a variety of reasons, whatever might be the reasons for leaving, job hunting while you’re still working in your current position can be a double-edged sword. Candidates who are employed are typically more attractive to employers. However, it can be a dangerous move and could end in a disaster.
Here are some job search tips to help you stay on good terms with your current employer:
DO plan your job search: Because you have a job, your time is limited, so you must organize your search, explore your options and get your resume and cover letter customized for each job you want to apply for. Try not to neglect your current tasks so you don’t ruin your reputation right before you quit.
DO job interviews on your own time: Try to schedule your interviews out of your working hours or during lunch breaks to keep your absence to a minimum.
DO dress appropriately: If your normal work attire is not appropriate for interviews, then you need to bring a change of clothes and change elsewhere before you head out to the interview and back to work.
DO give adequate notice: When it’s time to leave, resign officially in writing, give your “one month” notice and make the transition as smooth as possible. It’s been said that you can judge the true character of an employee by the way they leave a job.
DON’T tell your boss: As soon as your boss knows you’re looking, you will be viewed as a short-timer and you might be treated differently, so try not to inform your employer that you’re job-searching until you have accepted another offer.
DON’T tell your colleagues either: If you want to discuss your job search, talk to friends and family, because as soon as one colleague knows, you might as well assume that everyone does – including your boss, and if your boss hears about it from someone before you’ve formally met with him/her, it will reflect negatively on you.
DON’T job search on company time: This is like stealing money from your employer, since they are paying you for this time. Do your research during “off” hours from your personal computer and make your phone calls from your personal cell phone during breaks.
DON’T use company resources: “Resources” include your email, internet, computer, fax machine, telephone, copier, and any other company supplies. Not only is it unethical, but you also risk ruining your reputation on your final days.
DON’T change your current attitude at work: Keep it professional at your current job and make sure you’re still a committed member of the team. Leaving on good terms is essential if you’re going to need referrals and recommendations in the future, so make sure you don’t burn any bridges!
Written by:Tala Al Qudah HR Specialist at Akhtaboot – the career network
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