In an unprecedented step towards the betterment of the Middle East job market, Akhtaboot – the career network singed a partnership agreement with Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Knowledge Society (TAG-Knowledge) on May 31, 2010 at TAG Knowledge headquarters in Amman, Jordan.
The purpose of this partnership is geared towards organizing job fairs around the Arab world, starting with a three-day Career Fair in Amman, Jordan, to be held at TAG Knowledge Center – a fully functional entity designed and built around the world of students.
The Job Fair will be co-organized and launched this year as part of the corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiative of TAG-Knowledge and Akhtaboot Cares Initiative – Akhtaboot’s CSR arm.
The event will be held with the participation of a number of leading Jordanian companies and educational institutions covering different industries, while providing employment and training opportunities to both job seekers and graduates-to-be visiting the Career Fair. Any proceeds raised from the Career Fair will be used to support the CSR activities of the Akhtaboot Cares Initiative and TAG Knowledge Society programs.
Eng. Yousef Shamoun, Co-founder of Akhtaboot and head of the Akhtaboot Cares Initiative said:
“Organizing a Career Fair has been a topic of discussion for some time now, especially after our successful participation in numerous job fairs in the GCC and Levant region. It is our hope that we will be able to create a yearly job fair where job seekers will walk away with a better idea of their career options and a great sense of accomplishment, and we believe that through our partnership with TAG-Knowledge, we can launch a series of successful job fairs starting with Jordan.”
Meanwhile, Mr. Tareq Hammad, TAG-Knowledge executive director said:
“Joining forces with Akhtaboot aims at exploring new strategies in organizing job fairs that we might call a unique experience for job seekers and employers alike. Mr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh made it clear that students are the future and we, at TAG-Knowledge, feel that it is our duty to translate this into action.”
The Career Fair will be co-branded and co-organized by both Akhtaboot and TAG- Knowledge and is scheduled to launch in a unique way where both job seekers and companies have the chance to meet face-to-face and take full advantage of career and training opportunities.
2023-07-08 at 4:30 PM
طريقة تنظيف المسبح:
نظف البركة واستخدم شبكة الطحن لإزالة الأوساخ المتراكمة في البركة وربطها بقضيب متداخل من عصا خشبية ، ثم نقوم بإزالة الأجسام الغريبة من البركة.
من الأفضل أن تفعل نفس العلاج كل يوم حتى لا تتراكم الأوساخ والأوساخ في حمام السباحة وتتكاثر الميكروبات.
نحن نفرغ الماء في البركة.
بعد ذلك ، يتعين علينا استخدام الفرشاة لتنظيف جوانب وحواف وسلالم البركة ، كما نقوم أيضًا بربط الفرشاة على القضيب التلسكوبي لسهولة التحكم وفي متناول اليد.
افرك المناطق التي يصعب الوصول إليها بفرك جيد حتى تختفي كل الأتربة والأوساخ.
نقوم بتنظيف الأرضيات تمامًا كما لو كنت تستخدم المكنسة الكهربائية للسجادة العادية.
نقوم بتنظيف مرشحات حمامات السباحة حتى لا تسد الأوساخ والأوساخ المرشحات.
لقد ملأنا البركة مرة أخرى وأضفنا أقراص الكلور المعقمة إلى الماء حيث تذوب الأقراص ببطء مما يساعد على تدفق الكلور في الماء مما يؤدي إلى تعقيم البركة والتخلص من الجراثيم والبكتيريا.
شركة تنظيف مسابح بجدة
2024-02-11 at 3:05 PM
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